Standard Club

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The multidisciplinary team includes master mariners, naval architects, ship production engineers, specialist surveyors and analysts. Their expertise spans technical marine issues, senior ship management, port operations, management practices and flag administration. 

  • ensure the club underwrites ships and members of appropriate quality
  • minimise losses to members and the club
  • provide expert technical and loss prevention advice to members and our underwriting and claims teams.

We also make regular visits to all members to discuss specific loss prevention issues, host topical seminars and webinars for crews, and run roundtable discussions for office staff. 

Find out more about our loss prevention approach 

What is loss prevention, and why is it important for Standard Clubs' members?

The Standard Club’s market-leading loss prevention department employs senior technical and experienced ship management personnel who provide advice and best practice that underpin our ability to manage marine risks, deliver better claim results and maintain financial security. For our Standard Club members, our loss prevention team works to reduce the risk of accidents and losses related to ships and cargo. It is essential that our members have access to expert technical and quality loss prevention advice, initiatives and services.

What specific services does the Standard Club loss prevention team offer to members?

The Standard Club loss prevention team offers a range of services designed to help our members mitigate risks and prevent losses related to ships and cargo.  The services provided include:

  • Risk reviews: our team identify potential risks and offer recommendations for improvement
  • Pre-employment medical examinations: our team ensures crew members are fit for duty and reduce the risk of accidents
  • Safety and loss advisory committees: These committees share their expert knowledge and best practices on safety and loss prevention
  • Initiatives and projects: These aim to improve safety and reduce losses through training programmes or safety campaigns
  • Master's guide and publications: The loss prevention team provides a comprehensive guide to help masters manage risk and prevent losses on board. Other publications focus on industry best practices and issues that can or may cause losses and offer suggestions on how best to prevent them.

These services will help protect Standard Club members minimise their losses, risks and ensure we underwrite ships and members of appropriate quality.

How does Standard Clubs' loss prevention approach differ from other P&I clubs?

Standard Clubs’ loss prevention is unique in several ways, as we take a risk-based approach to our offer. With our loss prevention service dating back to 1989, we have had time to see what works best for our members and adapt to the ever changing maritime industry. Our member risk review (MRRs)are a unique part of the club’s quality assurance process and key to our success as a mutual. They help us get to know new members, which in turn ensures we can provide them with better service and support. It also gives our existing members confidence that all new members are high quality operators, and both new and existing members benefit from sharing best practice via our surveyors.

We also prioritise first-class financial security as we know that it is essential for our customers to have consistent, reliable and high-quality support. If you are looking for a first-class lost prevention offer, get in touch with our loss prevention team at Standard Club. 

What is a risk assessment in marine loss prevention?

A risk assessment in marine loss prevention is a methodical process for identifying and evaluating potential risks associated with the operation of a vessel or marine facility. At Standard Club, our risk assessment covers both ship risk review, where we assess your vessel, identify any hazards and provide recommendations to improve safety; as well as member risk review where we help maximise the safety and security of your operations by identifying potential hazards. Based on the result of these risk assessments, the Standard Club loss prevention team will develop risk mitigation strategies unique to the member’s individual needs. Read more about our risk assessment and how it can improve safety and profitability of operations on our website.

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Key Contacts

Yves Vandenborn

Yves Vandenborn

Head of Loss Prevention - Asia Pacific

work Tel +65 6995 6929
work fax Mobile +65 9879 8606

140 Cecil Street
#16-03/04 PIL Building

View Yves profile

John Dolan

John Dolan

Deputy Director of Loss Prevention

work Tel +44 20 7522 7531
work fax Mobile +44 79 1957 1011

The Minster Building
21 Mincing Lane

View John profile

View all loss prevention team
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