Standard Club

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War Risks

Our war risks insurance products are designed to protect ships against loss or malicious damage caused by a third party, where such loss and damage are not normally covered by Hull and Machinery policies.

They cover damage or loss caused by:

  • war, civil war, revolution, rebellion, insurrection, or any hostile act
  • capture, seizure, arrest, restraint or detainment
  • derelict weapons of war (mines, torpedoes, bombs)
  • strikers, locked-out workmen, riots or civil commotions
  • any terrorist or any person acting maliciously or from a political motive
  • confiscation or expropriation
  • violent theft by persons from outside the vessel
  • piracy
  • misconduct of masters, officers or crew
  • EU Passenger Liability Regulation (PLR War)
  • discretionary claims

We provide war risks insurance in two ways:

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