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COVID-19 – Singapore updates crew change guidance
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has made changes to its requirements for cargo ships undertaking crew changes in Singapore. The new Port Marine Circular PMC 03 of 2022 supersedes its old circular PMC No. 39 of...

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has made changes to its requirements for cargo ships undertaking crew changes in Singapore. The new Port Marine Circular PMC 03 of 2022 supersedes its old circular PMC No. 39 of 2021.
Some of the key changes are:
For Sign on Crew
- Fully vaccinated crew from “Active Vaccinated Travel Lane” may sign on without serving SHN
- The crew must have a negative result from a COVID-19 test (PCR) taken at a government-approved or ISO 15189-accredited testing facility at his/her originating country not more than 2 days prior departure for Singapore.
- The crew may also produce a negative, professionally-administered Antigen Rapid Test (ART) result taken within 2 days prior to departure from Category I/II/III/IV countries/regions.
- Removal of FTT for fully vaccinated crew prior departure for Singapore; non vaccinated crew will still need to have FTT within 24 hours prior to his/her departure to home country.
- Vessel should depart port once completion of crew change (to be read in conjunction with PMC 9 of 2015).
- Crew who are fully vaccinated and recently recovered (i.e., within 90 days of their last infection) will be exempted from all testing and SHN requirements if they are able to provide appropriate documentary proof. Non-fully vaccinated recently-recovered travellers will be exempted from pre-departure testing requirements, but will still be subjected to SHN.
For Sign off Crew
- The crew must not have gone ashore in the last 7 days before disembarking the ship.
- No interaction with shore-based personnel at previous port in the last 7 days.
Designated crew change holding facilities in Singapore
- Fully vaccinated crew may stay at the designated holding facilities in Singapore for up to 5 days.
- Unvaccinated sign-on crew and sign-off crew may stay at the designated holding facilities for up to 24 hours.
Crew change holding facilities
- Submission of crew change application can be made at least 3 days in advance, instead of 7 days.
Pre-Departure Test (PDT) for Sign-Off Crew
- Resumption of PDT in Singapore and PDT to be carried out onboard.
- No PCR test required from last port.
- ALL agent/owner must seek MPA’s prior approval for clinic to board vessel to conduct PDT for sign off crew only.
Crew vaccination application
- Application to be submitted at least 3 days prior vessel’s arrival in Singapore.
- SeaVax 2 is applicable to all crew when calling port of Singapore.
For more information on PMC 03 of 2022, please click here
The club would like to thank the Singapore Shipping Association for this information.
Category: COVID-19