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News: The International Group of P&I Clubs launches a safety animation to help prevent the loss of life in enclosed spaces on board ships

News & Insights 3 March 2021

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The International Group has collaborated to produce a safety training animation that draws attention to the risk of entering such spaces without first taking preventive and protective measures.

Investigations into enclosed space-related casualties show that most are caused by poor training and knowledge of the correct entry procedures, or a disregard for them. It is therefore vital that all seafarers are aware of the danger of enclosed spaces and learn the correct entry procedures, whether or not it is a requirement of their role on board, to reduce unneccesary loss of life. Our commitment to educating and raising awareness of the issues remains, following the recent release of our 'A Master's Guide to Enclosed space entry' publication.

To address this issue, the International Group of P&I Clubs has collaborated to produce a safety training animation that draws attention to the risk of entering such spaces without first taking preventive and protective measures.

Enclosed spaces exist on ships of all types and sizes and the animation highlights different scenarios that could lead to the tragic loss of life in areas on ships where oxygen levels are depleted. Despite the safety requirements described in SOLAS Regulation XI-1/7, all Group Clubs continue to see fatalities caused by oxygen depletion in confined or enclosed spaces on ships. The safety animation highlights the importance of observing the statutory requirements described in SOLAS and compliance with best practice procedures onboard ships, to mitigate the risk of further unnecessary deaths.

The International Group has undertaken research into fatalities arising from enclosed spaces during the period of 2015 to 2020. Of the 83 deaths that occurred in enclosed spaces, 53% of deaths were due to oxygen depletion and over 60% of the incidents were located in the cargo hold.

The overriding message, running throughout the video, is “Stop, Think, Stay Alive”.

Director of Loss Prevention at Standard Club, Captain Yves Vandenborn, said:

"It has been a pleasure working together with the other clubs in the International Group of P&I clubs to produce this very informative video on the risks associated with entry into enclosed spaces. It is regrettable that we continue seeing regular casualties occurring as a result of improper entry procedures. This video has a very catchy message which will stick with the viewers and make them think twice before entering any enclosed space."

Our recently updated 'Master's Guide to Enclosed space entry' is also linked on the right.

Category: Loss Prevention

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