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Ukraine / Russia - Port update
By way of an update regarding the position in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov, we are informed that today (25 February 2022):
All Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov are currently closed due to the ongoing...

By way of an update regarding the position in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov, we are informed that today (25 February 2022):
- All Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov are currently closed due to the ongoing hostilities.
- Navigation in the Sea of Azov has been suspended until further notice.
- Traffic is partly suspended within Russian ports based in the Sea of Azov, with vessels unable to leave those ports. Bunkering and other supplies are reportedly allowed within the port limits. The situation at anchorage areas is uncertain.
- Kerch Strait is closed for vessels passing north into the Sea of Azov, but vessels heading south are permitted to transit.
We have also noted US Maritime Advisory 2022-002 warning that vessels operating in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov may encounter GPS interference, AIS spoofing, and/or other communications jamming. Further information regarding such risks, and contact details, can be found in the related link below.
Members are advised to contact their local agents and / the club correspondents in the Black Sea area for up-to-date information in what is a rapidly changing situation.
We wish to thank the club's correspondents in Ukraine and Russia, Dias Marine Consulting and Axis Ltd, for the updates.
Categories: Maritime Security, Supply/Support, Ukraine / Russia