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AMSA focused inspection campaign (FIC) on planned maintenance (15 January – 30 March 2022)
Members with ships calling at Australian ports are recommended to refer to the recent Marine Notice 9/2021 issued by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) on the Focused Inspection Campaign (FIC) on planned maintenance...

Members with ships calling at Australian ports are recommended to refer to the recent Marine Notice 9/2021 issued by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) on the Focused Inspection Campaign (FIC) on planned maintenance that will be conducted from 15 January 2022 to 30 March 2022.
The objective of this FIC is to determine the level of compliance with the maintenance requirements of the International Conventions.
This FIC will apply to foreign flagged ships and Regulated Australian Vessels (RAVs) arriving at an Australian port and will be undertaken in conjunction with normal Port or Flag State control inspection.
AMSA has provided a checklist that will be followed by inspectors when inspecting ships as part of this FIC.
AMSA encourages ship owners and masters to familiarise themselves with the requirements SOLAS Chapter 1/II, Australian Marine Order 31 and their safety management systems implemented onboard.
Category: Loss Prevention