Standard Club

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Web alert: Ukraine - closure of sea ports in Crimea

News & Insights 13 July 2014

On 16 June 2014 the Ukraine Ministry of Infrastructure issued decree number 255, stating that certain sea ports in the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea will be closed to international shipping

On 16 June 2014 the Ukraine Ministry of Infrastructure issued decree number 255, stating that the following sea ports in the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea will be closed to international shipping:

  • Evpatoria
  • Kerch
  • Sevastopol
  • Theodosia
  • Yalta

Decree number 255, registered in the Ministry of Justice on 24 June 2014 under number 690/25467 will come into force after it is officially published. The club understands from its correspondent (Dias Marine Consulting PC) that the decree is likely to be published on or around July 15 2014.

While the exact consequences of the new Ukrainian legislation are presently unknown, members should be aware that a vessel calling into Ukrainian ports after having called at ports in the Crimean region may be subject to fines or other penalties and possible detention or delay. 

It is recommended that members considering trading between the above ports and Ukrainian ports consult their local agent and the relevant immigration and customs authorities in Ukraine to establish steps to be taken to avoid potential penalties or delays. The club further recommends that members familiarise themselves with the latest legislation so that they are able to comply with the law in the jurisdictions in which they plan to trade.

Further information from the Ukrainian Government may be found on their website.

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