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News: Update on impact of COVID-19 outbreak in Panama

News & Insights 18 March 2020

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Our correspondent in Panama, P&I C Fernie & Co SA, have provided an update on the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in Panama.

Our correspondent in Panama, P&I C Fernie & Co SA, has provided an update on the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in Panama.

The Panama Government have suspended air travel from Europe and Asia. This has caused problems for ship personnel who have been landed ashore for medical reasons. Those crew who are declared fit to fly will not be able to be repatriated until the flight restrictions are lifted.

The authorities have suspended the maritime courts save for matters of urgency which includes ship arrests.

Currently only local personnel, suppliers, surveyors etc are allowed to board vessels at the anchorages and terminals. The Panama canal continues to operate normally.

Conditions in Panama continue to change daily and it should be expected that further measures may be implemented in the coming days or near future which could have an impact on the maritime industry in Panama.

Members should contact their local agent or our correspondent for the most up to date developments.

We thank our correspondent P&I C Fernie & Co SA for this update. 

Categories: COVID-19, Loss Prevention

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