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Standard Safety, July 2017

News & Insights 12 July 2017

This edition looks at a number of different ways in which human error can cause issues on board ships and gives advice for minimising this risk.

Welcome to a new edition of Standard Safety.
This edition looks at a number of different ways in which human error can cause issues on board ships and gives advice for minimising this risk.
If you require any further information on any of the below articles, please get in touch with the author or your usual club contact.

ECDIS use on board ship The Standard Club still receives a number of queries from members regarding the required training for ECDIS operators under ISM and STCW. Richard Bell explains the differences between the two types of training required and how certain flag states interpret these differently. Read more on page 3 of the guide attached on this page. 


Safety awareness whilst performing routine tasks Over recent years, many changes have taken place in the workplace to increase the safety awareness of both employers and employees. However, incidents still occur. This article looks at case studies where safety procedures were not followed and some simple steps that can be taken to prevent these accidents. Read more on page 11. 


NAABSA The Standard Club regularly receives queries regarding NAABSA, its implications for cover and what to consider when putting it into practice. Read more on page 9 of the attachment below. 

The Standard Club’s PEME scheme – an update The Standard Club’s PEME scheme has now been in operation for 19 months. This article looks at the lessons learnt. Read more on page 16 of our handout, attached on this page. 

Hernias – what they are and how to detect and prevent them Read more on page 18.

Navigation risk assessments This article explains the need for onboard navigation assessments as an alternative means of assessing navigation competence. Read more on page 7. 


MARPOL Annex VI – mission control measures approved and adopted during the recent MEPC meetings Marpol Annex VI covers regulations to control emissions from ships that present major risks to both the environment and human health. This article looks at the amendments that have been adopted recently. Read more on page 13 of the attached guide. 

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