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在考虑使用 Y 型分线器载运额外冷藏箱时,支持会员降低风险

News & Insights 28 June 2022

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协会注意到,越来越多的会员正考虑使用 Y 型分线器,以将其集装箱船上载运的冷藏箱数量提高到设计额定限值之外,并就此进行咨询。但是,这样做...

Business woman smiling

协会注意到,越来越多的会员正考虑使用 Y 型分线器,以将其集装箱船上载运的冷藏箱数量提高到设计额定限值之外。但是,这样做存在电缆过载的风险。这会导致产热过量,并增加发生火灾的可能。如果船员没有经常监测并检查额外电缆、插座、插头和冷藏箱的状况,这一风险会大大增加。


1. 额外冷藏箱施加的电力载荷与电源功率的比较





协会了解到,船东和租船人就使用 Y 型分线器的船舶达成协议,在航行期间不使用艏侧推进器,租船人负责支付额外的拖船费用。归根到底,任何时候都需要确保总负载不超过设计的额定值。

2. 使用 Y 型分线器的安全事项

通过 Y 型分线器可以将多条冷藏箱线连接到单个电源插座;但是,如果负载超过发电机(或电源组,如有)的功率,则存在断电/跳闸、停电、火灾和引发其他间接责任(如货物损坏、航行、污染等)的风险。

还需要考虑 Y 型分线器、冷藏箱延长线、插座和插头的额定功率,任何时候都不应超过其额定功率。

如果操作不当,Y 型分线器可能不会受插座面板的集成式安全设计保护。在分线器通电时,不应插入或拔下冷藏箱的插头。建议首先将冷藏箱插头连接到分线器,然后连接电源通电。

分线器和相关设备应处于良好状态,能够承受冲击载荷和电涌。不应在同一电路上使用多个 Y 型分线器,如有需要,应使用电源组安全增加船舶发电机功率。




3. 额外冷藏箱的放置位置





在了解所有相关变量的同时,应谨慎使用 Y 型分线器,并认真考虑额外冷藏箱的放置位置。人员安全至关重要。


在这种情况下,通常会建议会员取得其租船人的保函 (LOI)。例如,如果就不使用艏侧推器达成协议,或由于位置无法触及而不要求对冷藏箱进行监测/维修。协会非常乐意就 LOI 向会员提供建议或协助,以覆盖此类情况的风险。

** 感谢 Anglo-Eastern Ship Management  对本文的贡献。


3. Stowage location of additional reefers

Provided that all the above-mentioned factors have been considered and it has been agreed to carry additional reefers, their stowage location onboard would be an important factor to consider – the additional reefers should be carried above deck. If these are carried inside holds, the cargo hold ventilator fans may not be able to keep up with the required air exchange, leading to overheating and subsequent issues with the cargo.

If the reefer containers are stacked higher in the tier, there will be a risk of personnel injury (crew or stevedores) when plugging/unplugging the reefer at higher tier on deck or trying to monitor the container temperature during the voyage. If there is a malfunction of a reefer carried at a higher tier on deck, then there will be nothing much the crew can do to rectify the issue which may lead to a cargo claim. Alternatively, the vessel will need to be provided with portable platforms for this purpose.


In conclusion, when considering to carry additional reefers beyond the ship’s designated capacity, it is vital that a proper calculation is done to ascertain that the loads exerted by the reefers do not exceed the capacity of the ship’s power source and keeping in mind the reserve power that will be required by the ship’s machinery and domestic consumption. The power calculations should be verified and approved by the Classification Society.

Y-splitters should be used with caution while understanding all the variables involved and due consideration should be given to the stowage location of additional reefers. The safety of personnel is paramount.

The carriage of additional reefers beyond designated capacity of containership may constitute a material change of risk within the meaning of club’s rules, and / or the carriage, trade or voyage may be imprudent or unsafe. As such, it is essential to notify the club in advance to prevent the risk of cover being prejudiced.

In such cases, members are often asked to accept letters of indemnity (LOIs) from their charterers e.g., in cases where an agreement is reached on not using bow thruster or not requiring reefers to be monitored/repaired due to their inaccessible location. The club will be happy to give the member advice or assistance with respect to LOI to cover such situations.

** The club would like to thank Anglo-Eastern Ship Management  for their contribution.

类别: Loss Prevention

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