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News: The International Group reports on claims arising from incidents involving vessels under pilotage – liabilities exceeding US$1.8bn

News & Insights 21 December 2020

The scope of this report covers a twenty-year period between 1999 and 2019 in which there were 1,046 such recorded incidents and where each incident gave rise to P&I liabilities in excess of US$100,000.

The scope of this report covers a twenty-year period between 1999 and 2019 in which there were 1,046 such recorded incidents and where each incident gave rise to P&I liabilities in excess of US$100,000.

The report has been prepared by the International Group (IG), in response to concerns expressed by the IG Clubs’ shipowner Boards of Directors, to understand the severity and frequency of the P&I liabilities that arise when a vessel is under pilotage, where in the world those liabilities continue to arise, and considers recommendations to mitigate the risk of such liabilities occurring in the future. The report provides a valuable overview of the nature, frequency, severity and overall cost associated with incidents that occur when a vessel is navigating with the assistance of a pilot. 

The full report can be viewed on the IG website.

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