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News: Precautions when Navigating in Fishing Areas in Ningbo-Zhoushan port, P.R. China
News & Insights 6 May 2021
The Hong Kong Marine Department (MARDEP) has issued an advisory on the new circular issued by Ningbo China MSA on precautions when Navigating in Fishing Areas in Ningbo-Zhoushan port. Port of Ningbo-Zhoushan is one of the busiest...

The Hong Kong Marine Department (MARDEP) has issued an advisory on the new circular issued by Ningbo China MSA on precautions when Navigating in Fishing Areas in Ningbo-Zhoushan port.
Port of Ningbo-Zhoushan is one of the busiest cargo ports in the world, situated next to the East China Sea fishing zone. The area sees heavy fishing activities during the fishing season between August and May which coincide with poor visibility caused due to seasonal fog during the winters.
The club has seen that there have been several navigation incidents involving cargo ships which are related to fishing activities in the region. Our previous web alerts are available for download on the right.
The club recommends its members to remain extra vigilant when navigating in these areas and follow the recommendations in the COLREGS and the attached advisory.
The club would like to thank MARDEP for this information.
类别: Loss Prevention