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为庆祝 5 月 18 日(周三)国际海事组织的首个国际海事妇女节,我们采访了全球不同办事处中的三位不同职务的女性,更多地...
为庆祝 5 月 18 日(周三)国际海事组织的首个国际海事妇女节,我们采访了全球不同办事处中的三位不同职务的女性,更多地了解她们。
Revecca Vasiliou,Standard Club 欧洲部负责人(伦敦办事处)
我是欧洲部的联合负责人,负责处理 Standard Club 的所有欧洲业务。我在协会工作了 8 年左右,去年 9 月被任命担任目前的职务。
我负责欧洲部的运营。我和团队、会员、经纪人密切合作,确保协会提供高水平服务,同时也致力于开发新业务、制定部门战略,还负责监督我们处理的较大、较棘手的理赔案件。我们的团队由 35 人组成,涵盖理赔和核保领域的人才。我负责管理并关怀团队成员,确保他们在事业上步入正轨,同时也致力于塑造团队文化,努力使其与公司整体理念一致。
起初,我是一名负责航运业务的律师,在一家私人律所工作。8 年前,我加入了 Standard Club 的理赔部门。
我曾在私人律所做航运律师,拥有 5 年的律师合格后经验(PQE)。我经常和保赔协会合作,了解了他们的工作范畴,并对此很感兴趣。 在保赔协会中,需要第一时间处理申报的理赔案件,工作中会遇到很多变化,更像在前线一样。此外,需要和会员们建立长期关系,这有助于了解其商业需求。在私人律所做航运律师为我奠定了良好的基础,但是保赔协会的工作使我更加有信心来处理现场问题。这在我的自身发展中起到了重要作用。
这项工作有趣且富有挑战性,我非常喜欢这种变化。这是一项 7*24 小时的工作,需要及时做出响应并解决问题。这项工作永远不会一成不变 – 在每个案件、每个情况中,都会有新的发现,这很大程度是团队努力的结果,因此良好的沟通非常关键。
Serena Sun,Standard Club 亚洲部核保人(香港办事处)
从海事大学毕业后,我在一家海上保险经纪公司开始了职业生涯,如今已经拥有了 10 年的核保经验。
Sarah Wallace,Standard Club 国际部理赔总监(纽约办事处)
我在大学学的是法律,并获得了事务律师资格。我曾在阿伯丁的一家律所工作,专门负责海事及离岸诉讼。2013 年,我作为理赔专员加入了 Standard Club 伦敦的离岸部,后来借调到希腊和纽约的办事处工作。我非常喜欢纽约,在 2019 年成功调到了纽约办事处。
Revecca Vasiliou, Head of Division, European, Standard Club (based in London)

I am the joint Head of the European Division dealing with all of the Standard Club’s European business. Having worked for the club for about eight years now, I was appointed to this role in September last year.
What does your job involve?
I’m responsible for the running of the European Division. I work closely with the team, members and brokers to ensure service remains high as well as working on new business development, strategy for our division and overseeing the larger and trickier claims we handle. Our team comprises of 35 people spread across claims and underwriting. I am responsible for managing, looking after the team and ensuring their career development is on track, while working to shape the team culture, tying it to the overall company ethos.
How did you get here?
Originally, I trained as a shipping solicitor and worked in private practice, and then 8 years ago I joined the claims side of the Standard Club.
I threw myself into everything, I really enjoy the work, particularly the more complex cases, I enjoy the relationship with our members and working through problems to find solutions, while mentoring junior members of staff to enable them to build their careers too. I am now a Head of the Division and always knew I wanted to take on more responsibility and progress my career within the club. I’ve always wanted to take on more and have been keen to develop my skills and to seize any new opportunities to learn more, which ultimately led to my recent promotion.
I was a shipping solicitor in private practice with five years PQE (post qualified experience) and I frequently worked with P&I Clubs, I saw the type of work they were doing and got interested. In P&I you’re dealing with the claim as it happens, there’s enormous variety in the work and you are very much on the front line. You also establish long term relationships with members which helps understand their commercial needs. Private practice served as an excellent foundation but working on the P&I side has given me a new confidence to deal with live issues and has played a key part in my own development.
It’s both interesting and challenging, I thoroughly enjoy the variety. It can be a 24/7 job, having to react and solve problems. The work never stands still – every case and situation has new aspects and its very much a team effort, so good communication is key.
What would you say to a woman interested in pursuing a career in P&I?
I would say definitely go for it, the live cases I’ve worked on have really put me on the spot, it’s meant I’ve had to develop my confidence, far more than I was ever tested in private practice. Throughout my career in P&I, I have been treated as an equal, it’s very much a merit based culture, you’re recognised for doing a job well, and if you’re doing well, invariably opportunities will come up - it can be an incredibly rewarding career, so definitely don’t hesitate to put yourself forward for new types of work and challenges.
Serena Sun, Underwriter, Asia, Standard Club (based in Hong Kong)

I am an underwriter in the Hong Kong office and I spend my days communicating with people, we are all dedicated to provide efficient high-quality service to the clients
What do you enjoy most or find most interesting about your job?
Traveling around to meet the clients and interacting with them face to face
How did you get here?
After graduating from Maritime University, I started my first job at a marine insurance broker company and have been responsible for the underwriting for 10 years
What would you say to a woman interested in pursuing a career in P&I?
This is a men’s “world”, we need to be strong and have more enthusiasm in our ways. The clients will appreciate our work more, as sometimes we are more caring.
Sarah Wallace, Claims Director, International Division, Standard Club (based in New York)

I am a Claims Director in the New York office. I primarily assist our Canadian and South American members with their P&I and FD&D claims and issues around the world. This could be a crew injury in China, a ship arrest in the UAE or a wreck removal claim in Chile. I also regularly review our members’ contracts to make sure that they have the correct P&I covers in place to respond to the liabilities.
What do you enjoy most or find most interesting about your job?
We deal with members, brokers, correspondents and claims in multiple jurisdictions. Understanding and navigating different approaches, cultures and legal systems, and factoring these into solving problems and servicing members, makes the job very interesting and enjoyable.
How did you get here?
I studied law at university. I qualified as a solicitor and worked at a law firm in Aberdeen specialising in marine and offshore litigation. I joined the Offshore Division at the Standard Club in London as a Claims Executive in 2013 and I’ve spent time in our offices in Greece and New York on secondment. New York lured me in, and I transferred to the New York office in 2019.
What would you say to a woman interested in pursuing a career in P&I?
There are so many opportunities available to us in P&I. Challenge yourself, have confidence and lean into opportunities that push you to expand your skillset and grow.