Standard Club

Standard Club has merged with North to form NorthStandard. Find out more about NorthStandard here or continue on this site to access industry news, publications and expertise, as well as club rules and contacts.  

We have a new UK Emergency Contact number Find out more here


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Standard Club 是世界一流的船东互保协会之一。我们成立于 1884 年,是 International Group of P&I Clubs 的主要成员,拥有 S&P “AAA” 级资本充足率和 “A” 级财务实力。


自 2018 年以来,我们通过与 PingAn 的合资项目为中国船东提供保赔和船壳险的“一站式”服务。我们现在为超过 10mgt 的中国船只提供保险服务。


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